Open hours: 7:00 AM-2:00 PM Sun-Thurs

Health and Safety

At Oxford English School we have a full time nurse. She is a Paediatric Registered Nurse with many years’ experience in Qatar as a School Nurse. She follows Oxford English School’s Nursing policies and procedures in-line with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Ministry of Public Health procedures meticulously and daily.


Nursing policy at Oxford English School


  1.  To promote a healthy lifestyle so that students can make informed choices concerning physical, social and psychological health.
  2.  To give first aid during sporting/non-sporting events, after accidents or sudden illness, arrange transport and referral to suitable medical support as necessary.
  3.  Liaise with parents of students at Oxford English School to plan nursing care needed during the school day to help support the student with medical problems whether long or short term.
  4.  Enable students with temporary disability to access lessons with minimal disruption to the students’ education.
  5.  Support students who may have difficulties of any kind while at school.
  6.  To operate an “open door” policy to attend to students problems as they occur during the school day and during after school activities.
  7.  To liaise with teaching staff to ensure that students receive the most appropriate nursing care to support learning.
  8.  Provide nursing care or first aid for teaching staff as necessary during the school day.
  9. To liaise with other school nurses in Qatar to try and set standards of best practice/benchmarking in the school environment.
  10. To keep accurate records of nursing care in the form of a nursing log and individual notes for students with specific ongoing needs. To keep an incident report for serious incidents.
  11. To strive for continual improvement of existing nursing service.
  12. Implementing, inspecting and monitoring COVID-19 regulations on a daily basis.
  13. Attending regular training to keep updated with national and international best practices regarding health and safety.

Forms for download